Freebie giveaway: adding sparkle to your holidays
Need ideas to add more sparkle to your holidays? As a thank you, download your free Advent Activities Calendar by signing up to receive my once-monthly emails. With 2020 marking my family’s “inaugural” year to incorporate these activities into our holiday celebration, it proved a “learn as you go”-type venture that helped to inform this year’s calendar. Whether you’re an empty-nester household like mine, or your home teems with big kids or small, I believe it’s an intentional way to (re)focus our attention on the reason for the season and to (re)connect with family, friends and community. This year, I’ve included a few different outings and things to do, such as a “live” nativity, holiday goat & alpaca yoga, “elf” our neighbors, string garland for birds and suncatcher snowflakes. Plus, giving back through Operation Christmas Child, community cleanup and donations to our local food bank and more. Also, I’ve added new scripture readings for each of the 28 days.
What are a few of your go-to holiday activities?
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash.