Everything is permissible but not beneficial: the 100% rule

It’s easier to hold your principles 100% of the time than it is to hold them 98% of the time. ~ Clayton Christensen

If you could apply one tip to your life to make it easier in 2022, would you? Motivational speaker and author Benjamin Hardy calls this tip the “100% rule”—making a decision with no other outcome than 100%. For example, by committing 100% to a diet, even for a short time, you can predict your future behavior because you’ve already made the decision. This also prevents the back-and-forth struggle when confronted with my—er, your—favorite dessert. When we act according to our desired goals, we begin to perceive ourselves as that type of person. While moderation is an option, if a particular behavior causes you to stumble or blocks you from becoming your best self, try the 100% rule. Although everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial. You get to decide what that looks like for you.

Where can you apply the 100% rule?

Photo by Patrick Robert Doyle on Unsplash.