Pinterest and charcuterie boards: finding humor in the messy middle

What do Pinterest and charcuterie boards have in common? An end vision. You’ve seen them: the memes that parody Pinterest boards by displaying each perfect [fill-in-the-blank], followed by another person’s hilarious attempt to duplicate said project. Can you relate—the results of your dream appearing completely different than your Pinterest board ideals? Welcome to the messy middle. A space that oftentimes feels uncomfortable. It can happen after beginning a new venture, and soon discovering it’s not as straightforward as we’d hoped. It’s tempting to throw in the towel here. But this is when we must push through. Find humor. Make adjustments. And acknowledge the Pinterest (and charcuterie) boards that inspire us have also experienced a messy middle before arriving at the end result. There’s no right or wrong way. Keep stretching your wings until you find your “happy ending.” Did you catch my December email about happy endings? Visit the archives and sign up to receive access to free giveaways, sneak previews and more.

How’s your messy middle?

Photo by Jake Oates on Unsplash.