A youthful spirit: redefining ‘adventure’
Someone recently told me: “You know you’re getting old when… homemade Chex Mix excites you.” Instead of a precursor to old age, however, I prefer to classify it as “childlike appreciation” for the simple things—a youthful spirit unburdened by the trappings of commercialism, materialism and “comparisonism.” As I navigate the latter half of Club 50 membership, I encounter my share of challenges. Yet the journey also overflows with wonder and delight—no longer attained through the “things” I once coveted, but through the gifts of time, memories and experience. Savoring a big slab of chocolate marshmallow cookie dough cake for my birthday. Goat yoga with my little family. A holiday movie marathon viewed from the confines of a fuzzy blanket. A video texted to me from a childhood girlfriend. One magical life, indeed. Reminders to slow down long enough to breathe and give thanks for humble pleasures. And to acknowledge that this might be the place where true adventure begins.
What kind of spirit do you possess?
Photo by Neil Bates on Unsplash.