Strength in the tongue: speaking life into our dreams
Once upon a time, a middle-aged wife and mother dreamed of being a princess. But not just any princess: one who often swapped out miles of tulle and a tiara for horse duds and Stetson. Plus, she teaches yoga and guides nature hikes on the side. Yet her biggest aspiration always entailed becoming a published novelist. The problem? Whenever she faced a blank page, it looked a lot like this:
Her: OK, time to write!
Blank page: You’re funny.
Her: I’m serious!
Blank page: I know. So am I.
Every. Single. Day. Until one day, she decided to seek guidance. Picking up The Artist’s Way, she returned to her “morning pages” with gusto—a practice she’d begun years earlier—as well as daily writing assignments geared toward unblocking her creativity. One such task: to jot down five different lives she’d lead if granted her wish—and then to pick one and “do it.” Today she’s a published novelist. The end.
How do you speak life into your dreams?
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash.
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