The story of the bison: facing obstacles head-on
A popular meme that’s been circulating the internet jokes about returning the new year after we’ve tested it out for a few weeks. Can you relate? On a recent hike, my husband and I stumbled upon a downed tree blocking a trail that, a few weeks earlier, had been clear of debris. After a quick assessment, we forged a simple detour and resumed course. Yet oftentimes when faced with personal obstacles—whether a health scare, financial setback, unexpected death, or the news of a son or daughter’s battles—many of us would prefer to choose another path altogether. In an article I read about bison, it’s said these animals will charge into the storms they face to minimize their time in them, and the pain they suffer. A thought-provoking reminder of how to confront life’s obstacles in the midst of temporary discomfort: don’t run; don’t avoid them; don’t hope they go away. Instead, take them head-on.
What’s your typical MO when it comes to dealing with life’s obstacles?
Photo by christie greene on Unsplash