Happy, healthy + whole: regaining control in 4 simple steps

Research states that by now, 43% of New Year’s resolutions have been broken. Though I haven’t made resolutions for years, I’ve already run into setbacks with my health and wellness goals two weeks into the month. Most change is hard, but my daughter reminded me recently that we choose our hard—meaning we get to decide…

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Power, love + self-discipline: a winning combination

For God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7 While journaling during a recent quiet time, I was reflecting on a Bible verse when something clicked—an answer to a decades-long petition related to a mental struggle of mine. I’d even considered it…

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Another year, another birthday: what it means to me

This is my birthday week, and a friend recently messaged me an article published in our high school paper featuring yours truly. The headline read: Typing Touch Earns Chris Maday Dollars. As I read the piece, I tried to recall life as a 17-year-old junior with my shiny future spread out before me. At the…

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I’m listening: upping the communications ante

My husband and I recently opened up to each other about a couple of our frustrations. One of Bob’s is our combined loft workspace in our two-bedroom cabin. Because the area opens to the first level, he’s concerned about disturbing me when I’m writing. I’ve tried sound-canceling headphones and white noise, but I’m not a…

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Day in the life: swapping the creative hat for the tech hat

One of my least favorite, yet necessary parts of the writing life revolves around technology. While not overly savvy pertaining to anything more than simple formatting in Word and Excel, I can navigate Zoom meetings, Facebook and Twitter, though Instagram intimidates me. Several years ago, I created my first website, but eventually retained a designer…

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