Maybe it’s not about us: asking the whys

If you missed my Facebook post on Aug. 19, feel free to “grab a cuppa” (my silly new phrase), and settle in. Because this is my platform to talk about a life-changing event that occurred 18 years ago on Aug. 19, 2004. If you need a refresher, or this is your first time joining me, click here. Instead of the accident, however, in this post I talk about the “whys.” A friend once said: Do you ever ask yourself why God allowed the accident to happen? And I responded: No. But why not? We live in a fallen world. Bad stuff happens to good people. Yet maybe the whys are a good thing if we remove them from our circumstances, and apply them to a greater purpose than ourselves. For example, maybe one day my husband will come alongside someone who’s experienced a similar ordeal, and who could use his understanding. Whatever your whys, please: Don’t drink and drive.

What types of things cause you to ask why?

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash.