Living your best life: an act of balance
Recently, I updated my profile picture on Facebook. In the photo, I’m standing on the deck of our cabin, the forest in the background. A friend commented: Living your best life. And I had to ask myself: Am I really? One of my friends lives with chronic health problems. How often do I encourage her? Within the past year, another friend went through a divorce after three decades of marriage. Have I reached out? A few more have lost their spouses. When was the last time I offered help? We certainly don’t have to look far to find trouble. So how can we begin to think about living our best lives in the midst of our own hospital trips, mounting bills, job loss and myriad other challenges? Maybe living our best lives means a balancing act between living life to the fullest as we’re able, while at the same time lightening the loads of others so they can live theirs.
What does living your best life look like?
Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash.