Borrowing trouble from tomorrow: a reminder to focus on the present
During a recent trek through a fresh snowfall that blanketed our wooded neighborhood, my thoughts drifted to the many pressing matters that needed my attention in the days and weeks ahead—from medical appointments, to finagling schedules around contractors and winter driving conditions, to several writing commitments and a few road trips in the works. As I walked the familiar route, my head down as I mulled over these concerns—even the ones out of my control—a snippet of popular scripture popped into my head: “Don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow.” From the New International Version, Matthew 6:34 reads, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” A welcome reminder that when we borrow trouble from tomorrow, it takes away from the moment—and the blessings—in front of us. Lifting my head, I observed the beauty of the forest with new eyes, and a grateful heart.
Do you borrow trouble, or focus on the present?
Photo by: Meera Parat on Unsplash