Getaway of a lifetime: Day 3 (or recognizing the signs)
While exploring acres of forest preserve within Arizona’s White Mountains during our recent getaway, my husband and I soon learned the terrain in the northern part of the state differs from the trail systems in the Valley. With only a picture map on our cellphones as pilots, we relied on blue reflective diamonds strategically tacked onto trees throughout the recreation areas — wayfinding symbols to assist cross-country skiers (in wintertime) and hikers to stay the course. During one outing, deep within the thicket of trees nearby a grassy meadow, we lost sight of these “guides.” A reminder at the ease in which distractions can sidetrack us along life’s journey. Thankfully, our detour only required a few hundred yards of backpedaling before we regained our footing. A second reminder of the importance of learning to recognize the signs — tangible, or perhaps an inner prompting in our spirts — that point us in the right direction. And then to fix our eyes ahead.
What signs do you look for along life’s journey?
Photo by Paul Wolke on Unsplash.