Owning it: accepting that your feelings are valid
We’re more than one month into our adventure and guess what? It’s harder than we anticipated. We ask ourselves often: What did we miss? Did we want it so much that we ignored logic? Maybe. Would we feel differently had we not contracted COVID? Probably. And remember how darkness ushers in doubts and fears? Sickness magnifies it 100 percent. But I made a decision: I’m done fighting. Instead, I’m owning everything I feel. Because it’s all valid. And there’s nothing wrong with saying I’m tempted to throw in the towel. I have no regrets, though. OK, maybe a few. But mostly I’m proud of us. We took a leap of faith, and it landed us in an incredible community of believers. Plus, we’ve met some wonderful peeps. I’m excited to see how the Lord will use this experience to shape us into better human beings over the next year. And we may just find out that was His plan all along.
What feelings do you need to own?
Photo by Noah Blaine Clark on Unsplash.