A minimalist life: just the necessities, please
For many of us, the past 18+ months presented myriad opportunities to reassess and reprioritize what we do and how we do it — ultimately forcing us to reconsider if there might be a better way…whether today, or years down the line. It might mean something simple, like removing excess “clutter” within our daily lives from either our physical or mental space…or both. As I eke closer to retirement, this idea of minimalism piques my interest. In fact, a recent journaling prompt afforded food for thought as to what it might look like. I’m curious: if you were required, out of necessity, to eliminate every physical possession from your life — excluding whatever fits into a single backpack (you must carry yourself) — what would you include? And for an even narrower parameter, limit yourself to 12 items. My own essentials comprise the following: cellphone, toothbrush, water bottle, wallet, laptop, planner, all-purpose charger, moisturizer, ninja jr., hiking gear, all-in-one pocket knife and sunscreen.
Have you tried the minimalist life…or would you?
Photo by Nguyen Le Viet Anh on Unsplash.