The roles we play: to lead, to follow or to go our own way
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~ Marcel Proust
I set the pace on a recent sunrise hike, my partner close behind. A little over halfway around our weekly “loop,” he assumes the lead to finish out the 4+ miles. My energy at first keeps us flying, while his takes over when I require that extra push. Isn’t that how life often looks when we afford the time to savor a birds-eye view? Marriage, friendships — all kinds of relationships — adopt a “dance-like” rhythm I compare to a trek in the mountains. Because whether on rocky uneven ground, level paved paths or shiny ballroom floors, some days we lead and others we follow. And still others on which we might travel solo. I think the takeaway here lies in discovering the roles we play on this voyage. And how we get to contribute to, and assist others, along the way.
Do you prefer to lead, to follow or travel solo?
Photo by John Simitopoulos on Unsplash.