Divine interruptions: when to take that leap of faith
What do a power outage and a leaky roof have in common? In my household, the former (another blog post in itself) put a stop to plans, or movement, my husband and I set in motion this past summer. And the latter instigated movement—thanks to a downpour delivered on Christmas Eve straight into our kitchen (shorting our microwave and alerting us to a compromised roof). Rather than panic, however, we viewed this situation as a sign, or divine interruption. While immediate action became necessary, it also caused us to realize we’d been heading back into a routine of stagnancy (or non-movement). Essentially, we’d stopped growing, and let’s face it: growing pains are called pains for a reason. Yet they also produce evidence of our “fruit.” The saying no pain, no gain bears some truth, doesn’t it? Once we get this “one thing” rectified, we’re ready to take that leap of faith and watch the net appear.
What sign do you need to take that leap of faith?
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash.