The truest thing I can tell you: the gift of today
While I believe it’s always the write time for hope, humor & heart, oftentimes grief shows up at our doors without invitation. An emotion that follows no rules—no “how to” manual—I’ve heard grief described as a “sucker punch” by one, and as a wake-up call by another. In my own life, grief recently paid a visit that served as a catalyst to change. It lit a fire under me. Reminded me of the birthday promises I made myself, and that life on this side of heaven is finite. You know that oft-coined phrase: “Today is a gift. That’s why we call it ‘the present’”? Although trite, at the same time it’s also the truest thing I can tell you right now. That mistake you made at work? Not the end of the world. The time you wasted worrying about it? In the past. Now go—give thanks—and accept the gift of today by living in the present.
How will you accept the gift of today?
Photo by Knuth Waltenberg on Unsplash.