One foot in front of the other: building connection

In my latest writing workshop, participants chose one goal and noted it on the left-hand side of the page, with desired/expected results on the right—and a bridge connecting one side to the other. This is where we filled in actionable “steps” to achieve said goal. For my goal, I chose “build connection,” with 12 stepping stones—many of which take me “two steps back”—leading through a desert wilderness (surrounded by forest). Lightbulb moment: Growth is not linear (and even going backwards is movement). While I must conquer several steps of growth before reaching my goal, I also learned that steps can be taken out of order. For example, I’m still working on #1, but after the workshop, I accepted an invitation (#8) to hike with a group I had joined the previous day. I have a feeling that with each step, I will gain better footing and more confidence to put one foot in front of the other.

What goal do you still hope to reach?