Gaining a clearer perspective: the root of my problems

For five days, I scoured boxes and bags for a favorite pair of glasses. I became convinced I lost them during our recent move. Negative thoughts berated my carelessness. I recalled my Bible devotion on the fifth morning, which spoke of areas in our lives we avoid identifying as the root of our troubles. Insecurity is mine. This proved an ah-ha moment when I realized that insecurity is a trait wrapped up in my identity. It’s a self-focused bent—my eyes on my worth, my usefulness, my abilities. Me, me, me. But if I swap out those lenses with ones that are Spirit-focused, I can more clearly see myself the way the Creator sees me: couched in His Holiness. If I would see myself like this, I’d also see others the way God does—made in His image but someone (like me) in need of a savior. Not only did I gain a “clearer” perspective that day, I also found my glasses.

Do you need a clearer perspective?

Photo by Bud Helisson on Unsplash.