When 1 bad egg ruins the bunch: slowing down
When my husband and I prepared for our latest adventure, we organized a moving sale. The half-day event took hours to arrange, but the big-ticket items—sofas, tables, chairs and daybed—sold well. However, when we learned our new cabin was fully furnished, we needed a quick way to unload a few more pieces of furniture. Enter: Facebook Marketplace. Also: Seller beware! The first four transactions were seamless. We enjoyed passing our “treasures” to the buyers, until that one nasty egg. Although mortified to admit, in my haste, I fell for the popular Google Voice scam. Two hours of anguish, changing passwords and upping my online security measures later, I wrote this post to hopefully shed light and help other unsuspecting sellers who think they’re doing a good deed. While I won’t allow that one experience to taint the previous encounters, I can slow down and use a little common sense the next time around.
How do you turn the tables when one bad experience sours the bunch?
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash.