When results and efforts differ: defining growth
Now that we’ve surpassed the five-month mark into our new adventure on the mountain (see After the Leap), due to a three-week setback with COVID early on—as well as multiple challenges that have taken precedence—it often seems we have little to show for our efforts. Especially when they’re not tangible or measurable; e.g., personal growth, which is easy to take for granted but should also be acknowledged. So, notwithstanding a few costly mistakes (learning opportunities in and of themselves), I’ve tallied four (and counting) additional lessons my husband and I have gleaned thus far: 1) The importance of slowing down (Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that). 2) Investing in the proper tools and resources saves time and money in the long run. 3) Making connections opens doors to ask for help when needed, and to pay it forward. 4) Regular “timeouts” in nature, and in fellowship with others, contribute to healing and wholeness.
What results do you have to show for your efforts?
Photo by m. on Unsplash.