Another trip around the sun: gifting grace
Wasn’t it just yesterday I blogged about my birthday—living with intention, dreaming new dreams, stepping outside of my comfort zone? Life looks vastly different today than it did last year (you can read all about it in “After the Leap”). However, today I’m not focusing on the change of scenery. Instead, I want to share a burden on my heart that I’ve attempted to ignore—yet increasingly feel called to expose by ushering light into the darkness—and one that oftentimes conjures feelings of shame: I’m a Christian who struggles with my mental health. So, what does that say about my faith? And how can I still push my message of hope, humor & heart when I wrestle to muster my own encouragement? While I don’t have all the answers, as I buckle up for another trip around the sun, I do know the greatest gift we can extend to ourselves—and others—is grace*. Therein lies hope.
How can you gift yourself, and others, grace today?
Photo by Greg Weaver on Unsplash.
*Permission to forgive mistakes, lapses in judgment and hurtful behavior.