You get what you give: small beginnings

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. ~ Zechariah 4:10

When the path to achieving a goal becomes littered with challenges and setbacks, how do you respond? Do you run the opposite direction, or do you continue forward—believing a breakthrough awaits on the other side? It’s been said if we get what we give, we glean much when we give much; conversely, we gain little if we give little. For example, I can breeze through the same 50-minute yoga session one day and realize minimal benefits. But if I breathe into each posture and ground my heels, engage my core and align my hips—slowly, over time—I become stronger and my endurance increases. That same theory holds true within relationships. How many stagnate or fail due to absence of effort? Regardless of our intended breakthroughs, without an investment (prayer, time, sweat equity, etc.), success remains elusive. Start small… but at least start.

What do you want to begin?

Photo by Hayley Murray on Unsplash.