5 favorites: cutting out the ‘fluff’
While scrolling through my Twitter feed one afternoon, an author I follow posted her five favorite things. Several years ago, I challenged myself to share an image on Facebook of a simple pleasure I saw or experienced daily. It turned out to be a fun but oftentimes tricky exercise to discover something new for 365 consecutive days. But I think it was even more challenging to pick “only” five favs! For me it’s like comparing the guidelines of writing a novel vs. a short story. For instance, the word count for the novels I write is 55,000, while a short story might cap at 800 words—which requires cutting out the “fluff” (anything that doesn’t add value). With that said, here are my five favs: Jesus, family, reading, laughing and hiking. Although, I might swap out laughing for writing, or hiking for yoga. Or playing games for reading. So I figure I’m either indecisive—or I just have too many favorites to count!
What are your five favs?
Photo by Emily Park on Unsplash.