Head vs. heart: identifying the space from which you operate
A couple weeks ago, a writing podcast I listen to focused on “MerPeople.” The host of the podcast mentioned a documentary she viewed on Netflix about these professional mermaids, and how she could easily discern when a particular mermaid named Mermaid Sparkles would be operating out of her head space during a performance opposed to her heart space. This story prompted me to think about the space from which I create. And I considered that maybe one of the reasons I get discouraged is because I’m operating from my head space vs. my heart space. In other words, when I spend too much time in my head, I overthink or overanalyze, which causes my limiting beliefs to interrupt the flow of creativity. But when I’m operating from my heart, I express myself authentically and without judgment, which invites movement and what-if possibilities. For me, the key is to identify and adjust as needed so I continue to grow.
Do you operate more from the head or the heart?
Photo by: Nsey Benajah on Unsplash