Summer blog series: extending hope through acts of service

Sometimes it’s easy to lose faith in people. And sometimes one act of kindness is all it takes to give you hope again. ~ Randa Abdel-Fattah

Welcome to week no. 2 of my summer blog series! In my first post (click here if you missed it), I discussed extending hope through words of encouragement. We can also extend hope through serving others with our time and talents. Because one of my love languages is “acts of service,” I enjoy preparing and delivering meals to individuals who are ill, or have given birth or undergone surgery. I like to believe my simple contribution offers the recipients hope—hope that they have one less thing to worry about, hope that they are seen or renewed hope in humanity. If we pay attention, we’ll discover there are countless ways we can lighten the burdens of those around us. And it’s oftentimes the smallest acts of service that ultimately create the biggest blessings.

What act of service will you extend this month?

Photo by: Nathan Lemon on Unsplash