Love as sweet as honey: real-life makes the best stories
My latest five-minute romance—Love as sweet as honey—appears in Woman’s World Aug. 28 issue, available at retailers and online. The story opens when a single mom playing tourist in her hometown meets a handsome stranger over soft-serve—his charming company a reminder of how lonely she often gets—but a business deal might just lead to a mutually sweet proposition impossible to refuse. Like I discuss in ‘Mining the moments…’ it’s the story behind the story I find fascinating. In fact, this one involves an actual conversation I was privy to this summer. Whether fiction or nonfiction, my stories are routinely are inspired by real-life events. Not only do they seem to resonate most with readers, but they’re the most fun for me to write. You can sign up for my author newsletter to receive the latest issue, and remember to enter the raffle for a chance to win your free copy (offer ends Aug. 31).
Which part of your story would be a blockbuster in print?
Photo by: Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash