God ‘winks:’ tiny reminders that we matter

One recent morning, I prepared a travel mug with hot coffee for an hour-long drive into town. But when I reached for the natural sweetener I use, I discovered my supply was depleted. On a whim, I peeked inside my purse and found a stash of my favorite sweetener packets. During another morning, I stepped outside my back door to see newly sprouted wildflowers on our property—their purple petals and fluorescent yellow stamen vibrant in the sunshine. Not long before that, one night my husband and I walked through our neighborhood accompanied by a dazzling double rainbow, and by the light of a blue moon a couple weeks later. Some might credit the universe for these tiny blessings, but I choose to give thanks to the King of the universe for what I call God “winks:” Little reminders that He is Jehovah El-Roi, the God who sees me. And He cares not only about my concerns, but also my delight.

What recent God “winks” have you experienced?

Photo by: Abigail Keenan on Unsplash