Blindsided by ‘everything but’ or following your dreams

In my latest subscriber newsletter, I talk about learning #allthings tech and marketing on the business side of writing and—quite honestly—this “old” dog is easily overwhelmed. Yet I can spend a half day trying to establish automated workflows for new subscribers—or contemplate a redesign to my website—before realizing my time to create content or revise my current book proposal has dwindled into a few stolen minutes. While I’m familiar with time management, sometimes it’s a lot easier for me to concentrate on “everything but” vs. face a blank page or brainstorm my way out of a plot hole. That’s when I remind myself why I do what I do. And that as long as I have a way to connect with my readers, I can focus on what I love to do the most—sharing hope, humor & heart. And trust that “everything but” will work itself out in time.

Is it easier to get blindsided by “everything but,” or to follow your dreams?

Photo by: Austin Distel on Unsplash