Set apart: shining your light before others
In the same way, let your light shine before others… ~ Matthew 5:16
The other morning, I approached the town’s postal clerk and asked, “What’s the good word?” “Obnoxious,” he replied, eyes twinkling. “And why is that?” He seemed to contemplate my question. “Because that’s what I am.” We laughed, then engaged in small talk as he scanned my outgoing mail. At the end of my transaction, he lowered his voice. “I wish all of my customers were like you.” I thanked him for his help, wished him a lovely day, and went on my way. But I kept thinking about his comment. What had set me apart? While it may have been my witty banter (ha!), or my kindness, I’d like to think he felt seen—not just for what he could do for me, but as another human being with feelings, concerns and struggles. And I hope I brightened his day, because that’s exactly what we’re called to do.
In what ways does your light shine?
Photo by: Bart LaRue on Unsplash