On the front lines or behind the scenes: your presence is your purpose
Over the years, I’ve been guilty of whiling away my time trying to figure out my “life’s purpose.” When my husband, Bob was hit by a drunk driver almost two decades earlier, I used to assume there must be some grand plan for his survival—a cause bigger than ourselves. Fast-forward to present day. After my husband’s recent hip replacement surgery as a result of the near-fatal wreck, we were both once again plunged into that season—the moments made more vivid as I recounted the past to whoever would listen. Yet I realized that each time I share our story, it serves as a testimony of what Bob and our family has overcome, as well as God’s faithfulness throughout it all. Although far from flashy in our case, it’s taught me that each of us can make a difference—or accomplish a higher purpose—simply through our presence. No matter if we’re on the front lines or behind the scenes.
Where does your presence make a difference?
Photo by: Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash