The universal law of attraction: becoming who we’re meant to be
Not long ago, I awoke in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad mood. I debated returning to bed and crawling out the other side with the hopes it would help. Instead, I warned my husband, Bob that I was crabby. Thanks to wisdom gleaned over 36 years of marriage, he opted to maintain a reasonable distance throughout the morning. But even after praying and listening to an online sermon, I still wrestled with a negative mindset. Around noon, I slipped outdoors for a walk and began reciting the memory verses I’ve been practicing since the beginning of the year. After speaking each scripture aloud, my vile mood had mostly dissipated by the time I returned home. During our evening stroll, as I shared with Bob what I believe had contributed to my negativity, our conversation reminded me how we’re created to live in community. And that we become what we focus on. Going forward, I choose more of Jesus.
What do you want to attract more of?
Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash