Chicken Soup for the Soul – Laughter’s Always the Best Medicine

Chicken Soup for the Soul – Laughter’s Always the Best Medicine

101 Reasons to Laugh Out Loud

This is feel-good storytelling at its finest. Laugh your way through this new collection that is sure to brighten your days, which includes “Fall Risk," Chris's story about a funny prank her fodder-loving husband, Bob played on her during her inaugural trek on the trails post-wrist surgery.

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About the Book

If laughter is the best medicine, this book is your prescription. Turn off the news, shut down the social media, and spend a few days ignoring current events. Instead, return to the basics— humanity’s ability to laugh at itself.

We’ve gathered one hundred great writers to share the mishaps and misadventures of everyday life. There’s no holding back, so prepare for lots of good clean (and not so clean) fun in these true, personal anecdotes.

Read about domestic disasters, words that came out wrong, mistaken identity, wedding snafus, technology trauma, the honesty of kids, family foibles, wardrobe malfunctions, pranks and capers, animal antics, and so much more.

No one is safe in these pages—from family members to friends and colleagues—experiencing those most embarrassing, ridiculous, and surprising moments that afflict us all from time to time!

Authors: Chris Maday Schmidt, Editor Amy Newmark
Genre: Devotional Collection
ASIN: 1611591139
ISBN: 1611591139
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