I’m listening: upping the communications ante

My husband and I recently opened up to each other about a couple of our frustrations. One of Bob’s is our combined loft workspace in our two-bedroom cabin. Because the area opens to the first level, he’s concerned about disturbing me when I’m writing. I’ve tried sound-canceling headphones and white noise, but I’m not a…

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Biting off more than you can chew: when enough is enough

How do you know when enough is enough? I wrestled with that question recently as I realized I’d bitten off more than I could chew (again). Let me back up a second. This past summer, an urgency to create movement inspired me to begin making small life changes. I neglected one important consideration, however. No…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 2 (or identifying your sweet spot)

Think back to a moment in life when you felt 100% in your element, or your “sweet spot.” When #allthethings came into alignment: contentment, peace, joy. Perhaps you even wished time could stand still. During my recent getaway, which I first recount in “Rerouting course…,” I discovered my sweet spot centers on engaging with those…

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