Two decades in the making: an anniversary from death to life

It’s that time of year when I jump on my soapbox to discuss abstaining from drinking and driving. If you’re unfamiliar with my family’s story, you may contact Guideposts’ customer service to special order Exploring God’s Promises–Hope, which includes our true story based on God’s promise never to leave His children, and how that promise…

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Three more feet: staking your claim

A few weeks’ ago, I heard the story about a young man who staked a claim during the gold rush and mined the land for months. After his initial discovery, the vein appeared to dry up, he became discouraged and quit. He then sold his equipment to a “junk man,” who consulted a mining engineer…

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Strong and courageous: readjusting expectations when answered prayers fall short

Recently I shared with Facebook readers and newsletter subscribers about “Strong and Courageous,” a new story of mine featured in Guideposts’ forthcoming book “Exploring God’s Promises: Hope,” which follows my family’s account of God’s promise fulfilled—in the midst of trauma and uncertainty—after my husband was hit by a drunk driver and resuscitated at the scene.…

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