Happy, healthy + whole: regaining control in 4 simple steps

Research states that by now, 43% of New Year’s resolutions have been broken. Though I haven’t made resolutions for years, I’ve already run into setbacks with my health and wellness goals two weeks into the month. Most change is hard, but my daughter reminded me recently that we choose our hard—meaning we get to decide…

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Two decades in the making: an anniversary from death to life

It’s that time of year when I jump on my soapbox to discuss abstaining from drinking and driving. If you’re unfamiliar with my family’s story, you may contact Guideposts’ customer service to special order Exploring God’s Promises–Hope, which includes our true story based on God’s promise never to leave His children, and how that promise…

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Looking back: recounting the past to inform the future

As we approach the final days of 2021 and look toward the new year, it’s the perfect time to recount the milestone moments that paved our way to present, so that we can better inform our future. Looking back on my own journey, I celebrated the publication of my first two fiction stories — five-minute…

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