A ‘word’ for 2025: the compass for directing our paths

For the past few weeks, I’ve been working on my vision board for 2025, with a “word” serving as my navigational tool. From there, I choose an overarching scripture verse to inform the year ahead. Some years, it’s proven a simple process, but this year my family experienced a bumpy start, including challenges and setbacks…

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Learning how to be content: an attitude of the heart and mind

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. ~ Philippians 4:11 Merriam-Webster defines contentment as freedom from worry or restlessness; peaceful satisfaction. Queue in the lyrics from the popular Rolling Stones’ song: “I can’t get no satisfaction.” This refrain suggests that contentment is elusive. Yet the Bible expounds on the definition by describing contentment…

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Thanksgiving series two of three: Never stop praying

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Welcome to the second of three Thanksgiving posts! Click here if you missed week one. Today, I’m talking about how to never stop praying. When I read this…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 2 (or identifying your sweet spot)

Think back to a moment in life when you felt 100% in your element, or your “sweet spot.” When #allthethings came into alignment: contentment, peace, joy. Perhaps you even wished time could stand still. During my recent getaway, which I first recount in “Rerouting course…,” I discovered my sweet spot centers on engaging with those…

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