Better time management: keeping the balls in the air

In a recent post, I talk about guarding our time by creating boundaries. Lately, however, my own boundaries have blurred—causing my list to “overfloweth.” Yet each task is something I’m “called” to do, which means choosing which one (or 10) must get the axe. But do I really have to eliminate something? Maybe the real issue is better time management. This might look like saying no to an extra helping I’ve piled onto my plate. For example, one week I opted out of music ministry to fulfill a writing deadline. Or perhaps I’m allowing too many distractions to infringe on my days, and my priorities need realignment. Either way, it’s about ensuring that what we value most takes highest precedence. For me, that’s relationship. After all, once I’m gone, no one will remember the yummy lemon bars I baked or how well I fixed a broken toilet—but whether I was available to listen or lend a hand.

How do you keep the balls in the air?

Photo by Yi Liu on Unsplash.