Getaway of a lifetime: Day 1 (or dancing in the rain)
In my latest post, “Sticking to the plan…,” I mention a surprise twist my husband and I discovered 10 days before a weeklong getaway in Arizona’s White Mountains: the removal of previously enacted hiking restrictions by the forest preserve. Although we planned to stay the course in spite of these closures, once again the chance to explore the new-to-us trails fueled our excitement. But then the weather forecast happened: Rain, and lots of it. In fact, the morning of our drive dawned overcast and soon morphed into a heavy downpour at times. An estimated 3.75-hour drive resulted in close to 300 white-knuckled minutes before reaching our destination. But I believe the catalyst to how the trip unfolds began with a decision: to make the best of whatever transpired. Greatest of all, this mindset can be applied to most everything in life. And that it opens the door to possibility… if we’re willing to dance — or hike — in the rain.
Do your expectations look more like possibility or worst-case-scenario?
Photo by Zach Reiner on Unsplash.