Shiny object syndrome: keeping a focus on the here and now

My shiny object appears in the form of an invitation. For me, a shiny object translates into any situation on which I focus my attention, but drop when something new and/or exciting comes along. In this case, it arrives in my inbox with a subject line that beckons — as if giftwrapped in sparkly paper and adorned with bows — luring my thoughts from the priorities documented in my planner. Holding my breath, justifying my “need” to keep pace with the latest XYZ opportunity to grow my writing-related business, I click the button to join. I tell my husband, “I start tomorrow” and he mentions (with kindness) my habit of taking on things that distract me from what I should be doing. My limiting beliefs cloud my judgment again. So, I take a step back, review the opportunity once more and choose to concentrate on those items that advance my journey in the here and now. To set myself up for future success.

What would you call your shiny object?

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash.