Doing it all over again: if I knew then what I know now

A year ago, my husband and I set in motion a series of leaps (of faith) that turned our well-laid retirement planning into a buckle-up-for-the-ride-of-a-lifetime adventure. But to say we were unprepared would be an understatement. For example, what if we’d known our small town would receive a record snowfall (with only front-wheel drive vehicles…

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Transplant shock: handling transition

Whether it’s a new town, home, vocation or church or even where you shop for groceries—or all of the above!)—transplant shock is a thing (access my latest email on that topic here). As my husband and I adapt to all the “new” in our lives, I’ve discovered something: routine no longer supports me in the…

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Biting off more than you can chew: when enough is enough

How do you know when enough is enough? I wrestled with that question recently as I realized I’d bitten off more than I could chew (again). Let me back up a second. This past summer, an urgency to create movement inspired me to begin making small life changes. I neglected one important consideration, however. No…

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