Getaway of a lifetime: Day 2 (or identifying your sweet spot)
Think back to a moment in life when you felt 100% in your element, or your “sweet spot.” When #allthethings came into alignment: contentment, peace, joy. Perhaps you even wished time could stand still. During my recent getaway, which I first recount in “Rerouting course…,” I discovered my sweet spot centers on engaging with those things that resonate most with my authentic self — like creating, or hiking in the forest or embarking on new adventures. On day two of our trip in Arizona’s White Mountains, an urgency bubbled up in my spirit to “move.” To give myself permission to dream bigger dreams. To fashion my life into the sweet spot I desire — within the context of the life I’m living: of possibility and freedom. For me, this began with a series of small “moves” or changes, which included eliminating a habit or two that no longer support me. And the more I move, the more time I get to spend within my sweet spot.
What’s your sweet spot?
Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash.