The trust muscle: why it needs daily exercise

During a recent online workshop, the facilitator tossed out the concept of a “trust muscle.” And how, like with any muscle, it requires regular exercise if we expect it to get stronger. For instance, each time we show up for ourselves — move outside our comfort zones, whether to initiate a difficult conversation, try something new or follow a different path than what others might expect — we exercise our trust muscle. The more we engage in these sometimes exciting, yet oftentimes scary unknowns, the more our trust muscle promotes confidence going forward. On a personal level, this looks like all of the above as I seek to advance my writing-related business, create and submit new material, promote my website and answer the inner call to “move…” to dream bigger dreams. These daily “exercises” strengthen me, as well as lead to even more opportunities to flex my trust muscle. It just requires setting goals, adopting a plan and showing up every time.

When did you last exercise your trust muscle?

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash.