The reason for the season: from holiday favorites to managing the hubbub
Holiday favorites—we all have at least one. A new favorite of mine: my second annual Advent Activities Calendar. (I imagine a few of the activities will also end up featured in my Christmas romance in progress.) Other holiday favorites include baking, especially my mini chocolate chip pumpkin bread; classic movies and music like A Charlie Brown Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, Carol of the Bells and Feliz Navidad. I love the intentional act of giving back, too—the more the merrier! But, before getting carried away—or more carried away—amidst the holiday hubbub, I believe it’s important to acknowledge that the holidays can be challenging. That sadness and stress can cohabitate alongside joy and happiness. While we may consider volunteering during this time of year to lift our spirits and help us connect, we must also be realistic by managing our expectations. This includes slowing down, finding peace in the present and resting in the reason for the season.
How do you manage the holiday hubbub?
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.