One thing at a time: turning resolve into results
Resolutions: the infamous “R” word. Some years I pile on all the ways I resolve to improve myself. Other years I know that to set the bar too high will result in an #epicfail. Why do we oftentimes gravitate toward an overly optimistic view of a clean slate? Like flipping over the calendar page to Jan. 1 somehow erases our past attempts at X, Y or Z? I avoided making resolutions this year (unless you count my recipe for success) and promised, instead, I would approach each goal or project with a “one thing at a time” mentality. No multitasking. No overcrowding my inbox, planner or social calendar. Saying “no” without guilt. Reminding myself I am not a machine. Did you catch my email about maintaining a full tank to navigate the roads ahead? What would happen if you set aside all but that “one thing” requiring your attention today? For me, it means a hike in the mountains to refuel and to reconnect.
Do you make resolutions?
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.
I made one resolution: To streamline everything. That means doing whatever it takes to be better to myself by eliminating complexity. Complexity comes at us often times through others not having a clear plan to go easy on us.
Well said, Jimmy! I completely agree and wish you all the success. Something for me to consider, too, as I approach one thing at a time, with intention. Less is more, as they say.