Give up the fight: winning the battle
Not too long ago, I awakened from a dream in the middle of the night. I rarely dream anymore, so I considered it noteworthy; e.g., perhaps a solution to a tricky scene I’m writing; or maybe an insight to help navigate a relationship. While I don’t recall the dream’s specifics, the underlying message lingered upon wakefulness and addresses a behavior I’ve wrestled with for decades—something I intend to change, but continue to repeat. And here’s what I learned: Until I quit fighting against the idea of change, it will be a daily battle for me. In other words, I need to engage in the transformative work of releasing preconceived mindsets and habits. I’m in no way suggesting we shouldn’t fight some very worthy battles. But for me, it’s my will that gets in the way. So now that I know what I know, I have to ask myself: Will I give up the fight and transfer that energy into winning the battle?
What are you fighting against?
Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash.