What you see is what you get: standing by your word

During the past year, I’ve encountered a startling number of people who say one thing to me, while their actions speak something entirely different. On a recent podcast, the presenter shared insights about what integrity means to her: being dependable, following through on promises, arriving on time, etc. Admittedly, throughout my own life, I’ve fallen…

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Compound interest: accruing momentum for the climb

It’s hard to believe the end of February is right around the corner. On the creative front, the year began with a big bang. Within the first two weeks, I received green lights on a few of my submissions to smaller publications. I don’t know about you, but when things get off to a stellar…

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Give up the fight: winning the battle

Not too long ago, I awakened from a dream in the middle of the night. I rarely dream anymore, so I considered it noteworthy; e.g., perhaps a solution to a tricky scene I’m writing; or maybe an insight to help navigate a relationship. While I don’t recall the dream’s specifics, the underlying message lingered upon…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 4 (or getting unstuck)

Remember that vacation you wished would never end? And then once home, you promise yourself life will be different. You’ll spend more time with family or less time scrolling through social media; eliminate whatever prevents you from pursuing your passions. Yet, after you unpack the bags, life reverts to the familiar. Old behaviors replace possibilities.…

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