Getaway of a lifetime: Day 4 (or getting unstuck)

Remember that vacation you wished would never end? And then once home, you promise yourself life will be different. You’ll spend more time with family or less time scrolling through social media; eliminate whatever prevents you from pursuing your passions. Yet, after you unpack the bags, life reverts to the familiar. Old behaviors replace possibilities. I tackled this same conundrum following a recent getaway, afraid to become “stuck” upon my return. It began in the White Mountains — an urgency in my spirit to “move,” to create the life I desire within the context of the (good) life I’m living. At the time, I knew that meant starting with small change(s): eliminating habit(s) that no longer support me. This included adopting a practice cultivated on the trip: no TV — opening up the space to think, to put wings on dreams. It’s simple to do what we’ve always done. But if we want to achieve different results, we must do things differently.

What change do you need to make today?

Photo by kalei peek on Unsplash.