Transplant shock: handling transition

Whether it’s a new town, home, vocation or church or even where you shop for groceries—or all of the above!)—transplant shock is a thing (access my latest email on that topic here). As my husband and I adapt to all the “new” in our lives, I’ve discovered something: routine no longer supports me in the…

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A call to action: setting the wheels in motion

A few weeks ago, I ran across a meme on social media filled with words I needed to hear. Maybe you do, too. Basically, you wouldn’t plant a seed, and then dig it up every few minutes to see if it grew. Right? So why do we insist on second-guessing ourselves? Our hard work? Our…

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Goodbye grouchy: hello gratitude

One day last week, I awakened with a grouchy attitude, my furrowed brow attesting to a less-than sparkly persona. Upon brewing my first cup of dark roast, I wrapped a blanket around myself and settled at our kitchen table to begin my morning pages — a practice taught by author Julia Cameron. Typically, I start…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 4 (or getting unstuck)

Remember that vacation you wished would never end? And then once home, you promise yourself life will be different. You’ll spend more time with family or less time scrolling through social media; eliminate whatever prevents you from pursuing your passions. Yet, after you unpack the bags, life reverts to the familiar. Old behaviors replace possibilities.…

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