A recap of 2022: more than checking off the ‘dones’
In my next to final post of 2021, I recounted the milestone moments of my past to (hopefully) better inform a future grounded with intention. This served to help me recall goals accomplished, new dreams I dared dream, as well as lessons learned. While I can add up similar highlights achieved in 2022, what interests me more today are not the tangibles I check off when done, but the intangibles that are oftentimes hard to measure; e.g., the unseen—or inner—work taking place in my heart. This prompted me to ask myself a couple key questions: 1) How have I grown in the midst of the changes initiated by the leap of faith my husband and I embarked on this year, and 2) how have I made a difference in the lives of those who’ve crossed my path? Although I recommend living with intention, I’m also discovering it’s meant to be applied to a higher purpose.
What tangible or intangible highlight stands out for you this year?
Photo by Christina Bosch on Unsplash.