‘As if’ habits: getting serious about what you want
Act as if you were already the person you most want to be. ~ Brian Tracy
How serious are you about going after what you want to achieve in the new year? I’d like to think I’m at the all-in serious stage—the one where we begin to treat our goals and/or dreams “as if” we’ve already achieved them. Yet that won’t happen if our actions don’t line up with our intentions. Or, simply stated: “Put one’s money where one’s mouth is.” Which leads me to this caveat: If we don’t approach our goals with serious, action-backed intent, we cannot expect anyone else to take us seriously. For example, if I want to become a published novelist (which I’m aspiring toward), then I must buckle down and act “as if” I’m already where I want to be; e.g., adopting the habits of prolific writers. In other words: doing the hard work.
What is one new habit you can adopt to advance you a step closer to your goals?
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash.